Pirate Cookbook will help you find and share files online.

The first thing to do is to install a BitTorrent client (look P2P). It will allow you to download releases from torrent sites. Torrent sites mentioned in corresponding sections of the Cookbook.

With this collection of guides you will be able
to create, share, find and read ebooks,
to rip DVDs and CDs,
to digitze vinyl records,
to find scientific articles, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries, audiobooks, music, films and play them on your computer.

Thanks to the emergence of the Internet, the free exchange of information has become possible. Yet free flow of information, called piracy, remains undeground, little known to the public. The reason for that is intellectual property, standing in the way of true freedom of information. Сommodity production and rent bind the distribution of the cultural heritage of humanity via the Internet.

Help share the knowledge. Share the link.


All .md files can be found here:


Commands to download the site:

WIn+R cmd

cd desktop
git clone https://github.com/lamescholar/lamescholar.github.io

How to create your own site:
