How to follow the press using RSS?

Author: lamescholar - 2023-12-09

3 things are needed:

1) VPN in case there is a strong censorship in your country

2) Bypass Paywalls Clean extension to bypass paywall

3) Collection of RSS feeds + RSS reader to collect news from news sites

1) VPN

2) Bypass Paywalls Clean is an extension that opens articles accessible only to subscribers of newspapers and magazines.

Download the archive. Unzip. In Chrome open the extensions settings. Turn on Developer mode. Load unpacked extension - folder.


In addition it’s good to have an adblock.

uBlock Origin -

3) You need to have a collection of RSS feeds themselves and RSS reader.

The best (in my opinion) RSS reader is yarr (yet another rss reader).

Here’s the page on GitHub:

Since the last release there was a significant change. So it’s better to use recently compiled exe. Here’s the one compiled by me:

My collection of RSS feeds:


More about RSS:

In the end we get free (not counting VPN) access to recent publications from hundreds of sources.