These programs allow you to get the text out of screenshot. For adding text layer look DjVu and PDF.

ABBYY Screenshot Reader -

ABBYY Screenshot Reader not always work properly. For example, it works poorly with old German fonts or any wiggly font. Tesseract manages it better.


Install Tesseract with all language additions. Add installation folder to PATH.

Now, suppose you got screenshot of German text on Desktop - 1.jpg. Or you may do a crop with IrfanView. Ctrl+Y, S.


Win+R cmd

cd desktop
tesseract 1.jpg - -l deu

You get the text right in the сommand line.

Capture2Text -

Point a mouse at the corner of the text. Win+Q. Draw a rectangle. Text is recognized into buffer.

Disable WIn+R shotcut.

Program use Tesseract for recognition. Training data is out of date - 2015. You need to replace it. Delete tessdata folder. Copy and paste tessdata folder from Tesseract installation folder.

For translation use ChatGPT. Look ChatGPT.