Michael Parenti

Author: lamescholar - 2023-09-22


Michael John Parenti (born September 30, 1933) is an American political scientist, academic historian and cultural critic who writes on scholarly and popular subjects. He has taught at universities as well as run for political office. Parenti is well known for his Marxist writings and lectures. He is a notable intellectual of the American Left.

He wrote 24 books. History as Mystery is a polemic against the notion that history is written by the so-called “winners.” To Kill a Nation: The Destruction of Yugoslavia is a commentary on the bombing of Yugoslavia by U.S. and NATO forces in 1999, that argues that the West was deliberately trying to destabilize the region for its own purposes. A critic for Publishers Weekly claimed that some readers will find To Kill a Nation “shocking or silly; others may find it thought-provoking.” The work, the critic continued, would mostly appeal to readers who share a similar political bent with the author. A Kirkus Reviews critic, on the other hand, described To Kill a Nation as a “scarily persuasive alternate history,” very different from the one provided through American media coverage of the events. The critic concluded that the book was “disturbing, but, for the brave, jolting and necessary reading.”

Майкл Паренти (род. 1933, Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк) — американский левый политолог, критик существующей капиталистической системы. Окончил Йельский университет в 1962 году по специальности политологии со степенью Ph.D. Преподавал в ряде колледжей и университетов, в США и за рубежом. По причине своих взглядов в США стал диссидентом. Отец левого публициста Кристиана Паренти. Работы переведены по меньшей мере на семнадцать языков.


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